Happy New Year Everyone!!!Hope this year would be SUPER STELLAR to all of you!!
oh, and yesterday was our 2nd mini bazaar + potluck party (Stellarpalooza), and we had an awesome time with 3 other vendors who joined us, making new friends here and play charades with em...(besides eating)..We served our very own Sheperds' Pie and thank GOD no one had complained of diarrhea or something!!
and also, we would like to say HI! to our new followers, and if you guys want to know more about Stellar, u can go to our Facebook page..u'll get more updates when u follow us in FB (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stellar/157208324289194) and for more info u can also email us at stellar.studio@yahoo.com.
that's all for now..will update more soon!yay